Here is the semi-final Itinerary for the trip. While we'd like this to be final, there may be some impetus to change destinations- i.e. a particular country's immigration policies make travel excessively difficult, or a war breaks out sometime during the planning stages. Once we're on the road, a situation would have to be so bad that the State Department bans travel to this area for the itinerary to change. Anyway, 21 stops, 6 continents. Most stays are two nights on the town in a particular city followed by one day for travel. Cities marked with one star warrant an extra night on the town and cities with two stars warrant two or more extra nights:
Trip begins in Washington, DC-
1. Dublin, Ireland
2. London, UK
3. Marseilles, France (*)
4. Rome, Italy
5. Stockholm, Sweden
6. Cape Town, South Africa
7. Antalya, Turkey (**)
8. Nairobi, Kenya
9. Dubai, UAE (*)
10. Kathmandu, Nepal
11. Bangkok, Thailand (**)
12. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
13. Hong Kong
14. Manila, Phillipines
15. Sydney, Australia (*)
16. Auckland, New Zealand
17. Vancouver, Canada
18. Cartagena, Colombia (*)
19. Santiago, Chile
20. Buenos Aires, Argentina
21. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (**)
The stops have been planned in this order to maintain a constant Easterly direction. The only flight westbound is from Rio back to DC.
Carry on,
2 weeks ago
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